i believe this entry will have you second thoughts of mastering a language.
hmm. where do i start. first, im not a working Java Programmer, i just do this as a hobby. i just read and i
like to share with you my first blog about Java Programming.
this content is not being written and this is only my point of view, if there is a wrong or mistyped please let
me know.
First what is Java?
its an Object Oriented Programming Language, well anyway what isnt a programming without objects?
right... i think all programming has Objects, which you can create. i think PHP is not an object oriented
programming. well thats what i think before i realized that PHP can create objects.
well anyway im not here to talk about PHP, im gonna introduce to you Java!
Why is Java so Cool to learn?
Its easier than C++ / C. because Dr. James Gosling the Developer or the head of the team who developed
java had made Java Programming less difficult than C++/C( but i still want to master C language because its cool too). java is like the cleaned version of C++/C language.
i like java because of its security features, because first hackers being scared or confused with java because they know that its not easy to hack. unlike visual shit programming. i remember i red on an old book of java that, when Java has come to the programmers thats the time when Microsoft starts to crumble into Dust!
listen to this. Java is Made by James Gosling in able to write code only once and run anywhere. its free and its platform independent... this is the most powerful programming language because it is PLATFORM INDEPENDENT it can run on any machine. can be interpreted by all operating systems...
and there's more!!!
JAVA has lots of jobs to offer!!! and more!!!
think about this you can write your java program then you can distribute it to all operating system! and then earn!
and here's the best part you can have your program posted in the internet using JAVA APPLET!!! try
visiting the TAGGED.com and youll see they use JAVA in web!
lets compare PHP and JAVA on the web.
in PHP you will be needing HTML to display form objects in posting or form handling etc. but in JAVA you just need to do...
is NOTHING!!! just embed your applet on the HTML. and BOOM!! your program is on the web, no need to pass the variables on the url because it is already inside the java program.
still not convince?
How bout a high paying JOB? java programming is free and its a high paying job.
i had define java in just 11 words!!
1. Simple
2. Portable
3. Object Oriented
4. Interpreted
5. Distributed
6. High Performance
7. Robust
8. Multithreaded
9. Secure
10. Dynamic
11. Architecture Neutral
12. FREE!
still not convince? then stop, don't read the rest. waste your time, eventually you will appreciate java while doing or writing other languages.
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