Migrating from MULTIPLY to BLOGGER

so nice...

i just want to start this blog with an information why did i migrate from Multiply to Blogger.

things to consider to migrate from multiply to blogger...

  1. i did differentiate multiply from blogger.hmmm, where to start, i think blogger has more users or peoplewares(hihihi) than Multiply. thats the first one.

  2. the second one is that MULTIPLY is so overrated. and i dont want overrated things or somethings, because i am underrated(so much of the self-pity drama) hahahah...

  3. the third one i think is the more user friendliness of blogger. because multiply always give me nausea and drowsiness. i dont know about that with blogger maybe i havent consider the user interface of blogger because its my first time to write or post on the blogger. but for me multiply sucks bigtime(sorry for the foul language kids).

  4. the fourth one is something that i see below(the "Save Now Button" - im at posting so you cant see it*laughs) it changes to saving, i dont know maybe im just seeing things but. its so cool. if i accidentally closes my browser i had save my post. hehhehe(short term memory loss guy - thats me).

  5. the fifth one. is that i dont know someone, whois a close friend of mine uses blogger. they wont be able to read this post. its my secret hideout of the things in my real life.

  6. the sixth one is that. its so cool on learning new things. new things makes you younger by the time you apply the new things you learn. like me feeling 2 years younger(i'm 21 btw).


  7. the last one. is that i can post adSense which can give me umm, what do you call this.(the root of all evil - money/revenue/long term something to look forward to) its like investing my time rather than play OnLine Games. i rather write... on multiply you wont be able to put Adsense because Multiply has already earning from your post... thats sucks bigtime... earning from something you spend your time... its like using other people's money... and the worst of it all, Multiply wont have to lift a finger to earn (like friendster).
Now you decide...
Which is BETTER?

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