she was doing her case study(dont ask me about it, it was about nursing - i dont know it).
so there i was, sitting in front of a computer, doing nothing. so i checked the games available in my computer.
i saw left4dead. i played inside the GARENA. and then i choose left4dead.
at first i dont know how it works, its like im blind and just making my hands do what it do best.
i read at the chat window of GARENA that i need to download the Stream or Steam i forgot the name..
so there i was, it was a bit complicated because its my first time fro
after a few minutes of being dumb on GARENA and Steam i got to play LEFT4DEAD, at first i was playing it using just a single player. its quite a bit hard to play, because its my first time.
so there i was, playing but got bored, i can still remember the girl or the woman beside me playing "Perfect world". i remember how i played that game with effort, but then i got tired playing the game so i quit.
i decided to make the steam and play online LEFT4DEAD.
i was playing the Game, "I always dies first".
i was having fun, but the rented computer cant handle the graphics of left4dead, then the computer dies... sucks right?
but still i had fun!
no theres no lesson i just flaunt it.
LEFT4DEAD is a 8 out of 10 stars for me... nice developers
btw it was SIERRA, its a half-life!!! remember?
LEFT4DEAD is Awesome. i think im gonna play it again! if my girlfriend would let me.!
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